Value Proposition

How is Propbase different from other fractional tokenized platforms?

Democratizing real estate investment for everyone!

Propbase is not a fund. We do not purchase properties, flip them, and then sell them on our website. Instead we are truly independent marketplace like Airbnb, ebay, or Amazon.

Unlike traditional tokenized real estate platforms we do not have a back end office operation, where new buyers or sellers of the underlying entity who wish to invest in the property must sign a new sales and purchase agreement and update the government membership list, this is time consuming and creates friction. Instead through Propbase, the property is held in an LLC and audited by a third party. Ownership of the underlying asset is tokenized and the tokens represent the asset value.

Tokens can be bought and sold in minutes on our platform, with close to zero fees in a frictionless way. All records of property ownership is recorded on the Propbase registry, a public ledger that anyone can access.

Anyone can see how many tokens of a property a single wallet owns, and the history of all transactions associated with a specific property. This is done in accordance with all legal and regulatory frameworks, should a government entity have valid claims for more information, Propbase can easily export names associated with the wallets addresses related to the specific inquiry

The current problems with traditional real estate investment is highlighted below;

Challenges with real estate investment before Propbase

Our solution to the current set of problems and how Propbase is designed to transform the global property investment industry and democratize real estate ownership;

Transforming real estate investment with Propbase