Sep 3, 2024

Propbase Monthly Development Summary - August 2024

The latest on Propbase Product Development and Updates

Propbase Monthly Development Summary - August 2024

Product Development Update Summary

In August, Propbase achieved substantial development progress across multiple platforms. The Secondary Marketplace advanced significantly with enhanced functionalities, improved user interface, and strengthened security, preparing it for a seamless upcoming launch later this year. 

The Propbase Yield app entered a new development phase introducing optimized management tools for better performance and deeper user insights. 

On the Nexus platform, user experience was improved by enabling straightforward rental yield claims.

Concurrently, initial design/HTML work completed for a PROPS vesting tracker and upgraded user portfolio management tools, while comprehensive bug fixes were implemented across all platforms to ensure greater stability and usability, collectively advancing Propbase's long-term vision.

Front-End (FE) Update:

Propbase Yield

- Admin dashboard for the Propbase Yield app saw the completion of the Total PROPS Staked graph, with HTML, API, and graph integrations fully implemented.

- The Total Rewards given graph was also added in the Frontend interface.

Integrated graphs for over 11 KPIs for Yield admin.

- New KPIs, including total investment and claim data, were added to the user portfolio in the Yield app, enhancing the overall user experience.

- Integration of the total estimated rewards in the Yield graph was also finalized. The integration of third-party support and the chatbot Intercom was successfully completed and ready to launch, providing users with robust customer support tools.

Secondary Marketplace

- The create/edit pool page for the secondary marketplace was completed, including HTML, API, and backend integration.

-Managing and creating fee configurations related to memberships were completed, with full blockchain and API integrations. Additionally, the delete fee management feature was finalized.

- Market maker fee management Frontend functions are completed, enhancing the marketplace's functionality.

Propbase Rental Yield

- Configuration settings for Rental Yield, including HTML and API components, were completed, while blockchain integrations are still ongoing.

- The user transaction listing API integration is in progress, aiming to improve transparency and data accessibility for users.

- User portfolio features for Rental Yield were completed, covering HTML and API integrations.

- Upgraded KPIs for users, including Claimed Yield graphs, were added to enhance the platform's reporting capabilities.

- The blockchain integration for admin top-up of Rental Yield to distribute to users was successfully completed.

- The calculation of user earnings from their investment is integrated into the platform.

- Initial reserve deposit frontend screens and associated tasks were completed.

Back-End (BE) Update: 

Propbase Yield

- Performance graphs for the Total PROPS Staked and Total Rewards given were created for admin dashboards, providing critical insights into platform performance.

- Developed APIs for over 11 performance graphs for Propbase Yield admin to facilitate user management and analysis.

- APIs for newly added KPIs in the Propbase Yield app were developed, ensuring seamless data flow and improved user experience.

- Real-time synchronization of staking, unstaking, reward collection, and claim collection data in the Propbase Yield app for accuracy.

- Calculations & API integration for the total estimated rewards in the Propbase Yield graph were successfully implemented.

Propbase Nexus

- Real-time synchronization for Nexus transactions in the primary market was completed, with integration testing, API development, and Lambda setup ensuring accurate and real-time data comparison between blockchain and database records.

- Integration of CoinMarketCap's USDC data is complete.

Secondary Marketplace

- APIs for listing, creating and editing pools in the secondary marketplace were developed and implemented.

- Membership fee management, including creating, editing, and deleting, saw the completion of APIs and associated cron jobs.

- Market maker fee management tasks were finalized, improving the marketplace's overall efficiency and functionality.

Propbase Rental Yield

- Backend development for Rental Yield's user portfolio and transaction listing was completed and thoroughly tested.

- APIs for fetching claim data, claim graph and other relevant information for users were created, enhancing the platform's data accessibility.

- Configuration of backend resources for the Rental Yield, including resource account setups, was completed.

- APIs to fetch rental yield data for admin display, including vesting schedule details, were fully developed.

- Scripts for calculating claim data and generating user rental yield were completed.

Blockchain Updates:

EVM Bridge

- PROPS is currently on Aptos blockchain only. Bridge functionality will open up the possibilities of users in Ethereum based networks to purchase PROPS and to participate in the various products built by Propbase. 

- We are partnering with Chainge Finance for bridge capabilities. 

- Chainge Finance team is working on bridging Aptos with Base Chain in their infrastructure.

- Chainge Finance team is working on the integration with PROPS for bridging from Aptos to Base Chain.


- A Smart Contract for PROPS native utility coin of Propbase for EVM chains is developed. 

- Mint Capability is with Propbase for supplying PROPS for locking with Chainge Finance for bridging is a highlighted feature

- PROPS coin in EVM can be minted only in tranches and with time delays pre determined by the security protocol built in the smart contract

- Multisign wallets are used for all the capabilities in EVM PROPS contract to ensure decentralization and high security.

- Testing on EVM PROPS is done extensively with 100% test coverage.

- The EVM PROPS smart contract is being audited by Certik, preliminary report has been completed and mainnet deployment is scheduled for later in September.

Propbase Yield

- 3 Finale very high yield staking pools were created.

- Promotional rewards were calculated for the Mega Whale staking pool from the list taken from the smart contract data. Additional rewards and incentives will be distributed shortly. 

Propbase Rental Yield

- Overall testing and improvements were made in the Rental Yield smart contract.

- Development and testing of emergency stop functions for rental yield distribution were carried out, improving the platform's security protocols.

Secondary Marketplace

- Admin functionalities such as setting admin, setting deposit treasury, setting withdraw treasury were developed and tested

- Configurations for the secondary market pool for swapping the RWA property token for USDT or USDC are developed and tested

- Fee configurations for market maker was integrated with testing

- Fee configuration wrt user membership was integrated with testing

- Functionality to allow admin to create the pool and deposit initial reserves in the pool are developed and tested.

Thank you for taking your time to read through our monthly update. Our team puts an incredible amount of hard work in progressing our product development and loves keeping all community members up-to-date on our progress!