Mar 13, 2023

Real Estate Revolutionized: Propbase Full 2023 Expanded Roadmap

Propbase, a leading real estate tech company, has unveiled an ambitious roadmap for 2023

Real Estate Revolutionized: Propbase Full 2023 Expanded Roadmap

Real Estate Revolutionized: Propbase Full 2023 Expanded Roadmap

Greetings Propbase Community and Friends, 

We are pleased to announce a Full 2023 Expanded Roadmap, and its nothing short of exciting. This year, Propbase is set to roll out several groundbreaking  initiatives  that will solidify its position as a leader in the real estate tokenization space in South East Asia.  

Q1 2023: Propbase Demo (MVP) Completed

The first quarter of 2023 promises to be a landmark period for Propbase, as the company completes its Propbase Demo (MVP) and sets its sights on finding early beta testers in April. 

The MVP is a critical milestone for the Propbase core team, as it represents the culmination of months of hard work and dedication from everyone involved. With the MVP completed, the company will be able to showcase its cutting-edge technology to the world and gather feedback from early adopters. 

Sign up here:

In addition to the MVP, Propbase is also in the process of signing up Ambassadors who will help the company with a marketing push in the second quarter of the year. The Ambassadors will play a crucial role in helping to spread the word about Propbase and its innovative platform, which is poised to revolutionize the real estate industry.

Q1 2023: Highlights

  • Propbase Lite - Completed demo version of Propbase platform 
  • Propbase Trailblazers - Beta testing with a small group of users to collect feedback
  • Secured partnerships with key real estate developers (massive achievement) 
  • Successfully Demoed Propbase at the largest global online property marketplaces & proptech conference March 1st & 2nd - Bangkok, Thailand (150+ C-Suite Executives)

Product Development

  • Propbase Lite - Complete demo version of Propbase platform
  • Fully responsive design - web Dapp
  • Primary Marketplace - Completed
  • Complete the front-end development of the platform
  • Location search, property type search, dynamic search results 
  • User Roles, enhanced back end DB 
  • Conduct thorough testing of blockchain integration with testnet on Aptos
  • Create and refine the MVP product based on user feedback and testing


  • Propbase Trailblazers - Beta testing with elite small group of users
  • Onboarding Propbase Ambassadors for Q2 2023 Marketing Campaign 
  • Successfully Demoed Propbase at the largest global online property marketplaces & proptech conference March 1st & 2nd - Bangkok, Thailand (150+ C-Suite Executives) 


  • Secure partnerships with key real estate developers (massive achievement) 
  • Thorough due diligence on legal and regulatory framework in Thailand
  • Launched comprehensive investor relations program 
  • Actively building a team of advisors and consultants with deep industry expertise to guide the development and execution of the Propbase platform.

Q2 2023: Propbase IDO with AP Launch and Propbase Spark: Marketing Campaign

The second quarter of 2023 promises to be even more exciting, as Propbase announces its IDO on AP Launch. This is a major milestone for the company, as it represents the beginning of a new era in the Propbase journey. The IDO will be accompanied by a cool marketing campaign called Propbase Spark: A awareness initiative to help gain community growth. This initiative is designed to create awareness around Propbase. 

Exact timing of the IDO will be announced 30 days before the IDO takes place, and will be announced across all marketing channels, as well as align the Propbase Spark: Marketing Campaign. 

The Propbase Spark campaign will feature a series of innovative marketing strategies, including social media marketing, influencer marketing, and targeted advertising. The campaign will be designed to capture the attention of real estate professionals, investors, and consumers who are looking for a smarter, more efficient way to invest in real estate.

Q2 2023: Highlights

  • TGE (Token Generation Event) through IDO with AP Launch on Aptos
  • Announce Propbase Spark - Marketing Campaign: Ignite interest and awareness among the web3 community (late Q2 2023)
  • Onboard Property Investment Products to the Propbase Platform

Product Development

  • TGE (Token Generation Event) through IDO with AP Launch on Aptos
  • First tokenization of physical assets on the Aptos blockchain (proof of concept) 
  • Gather user feedback and implement necessary changes to improve the platform
  • Integrate with wallet adaptors module on Aptos, incorporating Aptos wallets
  • Full blockchain integrations and smart contract functionality
  • Full Tokenization module with on-chain and off-chain processes
  • IPFS integration for property document storage
  • Run Bug bounty for platform


  • Announce Propbase Spark - Marketing Campaign - ignite interest and awareness 
  • Announce membership tiers, fee structures, and rewards program
  • Onboarding video programs for users to learn about the propbase platform (sign up tutorials, instruction videos) 
  • Refined Value Proposition (disrupting traditional real estate investment landscape)


  • Onboard Property Investment Product on Platform
  • Product Market Fit - Tokenized properties, onboarding users, revenue generation
  • Prepare Partnership Programs for Real Estate Developers 
  • Scale up platform - More properties, Increase users KYC/AML registrations
  • Enhance the features of the platform based on user feedback

Q3 2023: Full Platform Launch

As Propbase moves forward into the second half of the year, Q3 will be a highly anticipated period, as it marks the full platform launch. This is the moment that Propbase has been building up to, and it represents the culmination of all the hard work and dedication that the team has put into developing the platform.

Q3 2023: Highlights

  • Propbase - Official Platform Launch - Full Features
  • Mainnet launch on APTOS (wil be a huge accomplishment)
  • Announce Propbase Alliance - Marketing Campaign: Property Developer Partnerships
  • List $Props token on APTOS decentralized exchange (liquidity for IDO participants) 

Product Development

  • Propbase - Official Platform Launch - Full Features
  • Mainnet launch on APTOS (wil be a huge accomplishment)
  • Include fiat on ramp/off ramps testing. 
  • Tiered Investment limits based on user types (retail, accredited, enterprise) 
  • Begin development on multi-sig wallet for both web3 and non crypto native users 
  • Run 2nd Bug bounty for platform ahead of Mainnet launch


  • Announce Propbase Alliance - Property Developer Partners First Offerings
  • Launch $Props rewards program for early users 
  • Expand the reach of the platform by increasing marketing efforts and targeting specific audiences
  • Run Bug bounty for platform


  • List $Props token on APTOS decentralized exchange (liquidity for IDO participants) 
  • Product Market Fit - Tokenized properties, onboarding users, revenue generation
  • Generate revenue through transaction fees and other sources
  • Develop strategic partnerships with real estate companies and investors to increase property offerings
  • Develop Enterprise Product Line (for companies, large investors, small funds)

Q4 2023: Propbase Unleashed

In addition to platform growth, Propbase has announced that the main focus for Q4 of 2023 will be to launch the secondary trading module. This is a highly anticipated feature of the Propbase platform, and it will enable users to access enhanced liquidity for their real estate assets.

The secondary trading module will provide users with a new way to trade real estate assets on the Propbase platform. This will be achieved through the use of blockchain technology, which will allow for the creation of digital tokens that represent real estate assets.

With the secondary trading module in place, users will be able to buy and sell these digital tokens on the Propbase platform, providing them with a high degree of liquidity for their real estate investments. This will be a game-changer for the real estate industry, as it will enable users to trade real estate assets in a more efficient and cost-effective way.

Q4 2023 Highlights

  • Launch Secondary Market Trading Module (enhanced liquidity for users) 
  • Announce PR Initiative - Massive campaign: forefront of the real estate industry. 
  • Launch Enterprise Solutions product line (for companies, large investors, small funds)

Product Development

  • Launch Secondary Market Trading Module 
  • Launch Enterprise Solutions product line (for companies, large investors, small funds) 
  • Begin Development of the Propbase Registry, open source platform for all Propbase; Transactions, Wallets, Properties. 
  • Begin Development of Real Estate Agent Affiliation Module 
  • Add additional incentive around the rewards protocol, learn, earn, and referrals


  • Announce PR Initiative - Massive campaign: forefront of the real estate industry 
  • Conduct a massive marketing campaign to attract more users and investors
  • Explore potential collaborations and partnerships with other platforms and real estate companies to increase platform visibility and growth opportunities.


  • Expand the platform to other countries and regions with potential collaborations with local real estate developers on high quality real estate products. 
  • Strong focus on revenue generation, break-even analysis, launch 2024 roadmap

Overall, the roadmap represents a significant step forward for the industry and Propbase's commitment to innovation and providing a better way to invest in real estate.